(set #fnshmsg "\nNamestitev je uspela!\n\nNewInstaller lahko po¾enete v ukaznem oknu: NewInstaller!\n\nPoglejte v dokumentacijo!")
(set #language "slovensko")
(set #copyreq "\nName¹èam reqtools.library...")
(set #copygui "\nName¹èam guigfx.library...")
(set #copyren "\nName¹èam render.library...")
(set #chocpu "\nProsim izberite svoj procesor")
(set #reqmc "\nGuigfx.library in render.library zahtevata najmanj CPE 68020!\nTe knji¾nice ne bodo name¹èene na va¹ sistem - nekatere funkcije NewInstallerja bodo omejene!")
(set #bgfnd "Ali bi radi obdr¾ali va¹o staro nastavitev ozadja ali pa doloèili novo?")
(set #useold "obdr¾i")
(set #defnew "doloèi novo")
(set #conbg (cat "\nKot naslednji korak bo pognan program za nastavitev ozadja! "
"Izbrati morate tri ozadja, ki ji bo NewInstaller neobvezno uporabljal kot "
"privzete. Programa ne morete zapustiti, dokler ne izberete treh ozadji!"
(set #sndfnd "Ali bi radi obdr¾ali staro nastavitev zvokov ali pa doloèili novo?")
(set #consnd (cat "\nKot naslednji korak bo pognan program za nastavitev zvokov! "
"Izbrati morate tri zvoke, ki jih bo NewInstaller neobvezno uporabljal kot "
"privzete. Programa ne morete zapustiti, dokler ne izberete treh zvokov! "
"\n\nProsim upo¹tevajte, da je najveèja velikost zvoka 128 kB!"
(set #selins "Prosim, izberite predal, v katerem se nahaja Commodorejev Installer. Obièajno je to C:")
(set #sellha "Prosim, izberite predal, v katerem se nahaja pakirnik LHA. Obièajno je to C:")
(set #sellzx "Prosim, izberite predal, v katerem se nahaja pakirnik LZX. Obièajno je to C:")
(set #cfind "V tem predalu pakirnika nisem na¹el. Ali ¾elite izbrati nov predal ali pa se ¾elite odpovedati NewInstallerjevi podpori arhiverjem?")
(set #cofind "\nV tem predalu Commodorejevega Installerja nisem na¹el. Prosim, izberite pravi predal! Brez Commodorejevega Installerja NewInstaller ne more delovati!")
(set #new "izberi nov predal")
(set #dont "brez podpore pakirnika")
(set #inet "\nAli je va¹a Amiga povezana z Internetom? Èe je, potem lahko uporabljate nove Internetne lastnosti NewInstallerja!")
(set #wprog "Kateri TCP/IP sklad uporabljate za povezavo na Internet?")
(set #other "drug program")
(set #otherin "\nNewInstaller ¹e ne podpira va¹ega TCP/IP sklada. To pomeni, da ne morete uporabljati avtomatske vzpostavitve zveze. Ampak, èe va¹ sklad podpira bsdsocket.library, lahko uporabljate vse druge Internetne funkcije NewInstallerja!")
(set #enname "Prosim, vnesite svoje ime:")
(set #enmail "Prosim vnesite po¹tni stre¾nik (SMTP) va¹ega Internet ponudnika:")
(set #helpme (cat "Po¹tni stre¾nik je najveèkrat v obliki mail.ponudnik.si. Èe je va¹ ponudnik na primer "
"arnes.si, potem je zelo verjetno, da je po¹tni stre¾nik mail.arnes.si. Èe niste preprièani, "
"poglejte v nastavitve va¹ega programa za e-po¹to!"
(set #myemail "Prosim, vnesite svoj e-po¹tni naslov:")
(set #endomai "Prosim vnesite domeno svojega Internet ponudnika:")
(set #helpdom "Domena va¹ega ponudnika je najveèkrat domaèa stran brez 'http://www.'. Na primer: Èe je domaèa stran va¹ega ponudnika http://www.arnes.si, potem bo domena verjetno arnes.si!")
(set #fndold "NewInstaller je ¾e name¹èen na va¹em sistemu. Kaj ¾elite storiti sedaj?")
(set #newcon "na novo nastavi")
(set #nothing "konèaj")
(set #insupd "namesti posodobitev")
(set #fincon "\nNewInstaller je bil uspe¹no nastavljen!")
(set #copyurl "\nName¹èam openurl.library...")
(set #urlpref "Kam naj skopiram nastavitve za OpenUrl.library?")
(set #urlcon "\nAli ¾elite sedaj nastaviti OpenUrl.library (priporoèeno)?")
(set #copyide "\nName¹èam identify.library...")
(set #msgide "\nCeloten identify paket lahko dobite na Aminetu ali na domaèi strani avtorja Richarda Körbera!")
(set #copypop "\nName¹èam Popport.mcc...")
(set #defdrws (cat "\nKot naslednje lahko izberete razliène predale za razliène vrste programske opreme "
"Na primer za igre: dh2:Igre/. Skupaj lahko izberete 15 razliènih vrst "
"predalov programske opreme. Èe nimate predala za posamezno vrsto programske opreme, "
"npr. za razvojne programe, izberite kar SYS: ali kaj podobnega."
(set #dedrw_a "Prosim, izberi predal kjer so")
(set #dedrw_b "name¹èene/i/a va¹e/i/a!")
(set #defabiz "Poslovni programi")
(set #defcomm "Komunikacijski programi")
(set #defdemo "Grafiène in zvoène predstavitve")
(set #defadev "Razvojni programi")
(set #defdisk "Disk in HD orodja")
(set #defdocs "Dokumenti")
(set #defgame "Igre")
(set #defagfx "Grafièni programi")
(set #defhard "Strojni popravki")
(set #defmisc "Razni programi")
(set #defmods "Glasbeni moduli")
(set #defamus "Glasbeni programi")
(set #defapix "Slike")
(set #deftext "Besedilni programi")
(set #defutil "Uporabni programi")
(if (= lcale 4) (
(set #welcome "\nBienvenido al instalador de\n\nNewInstaller\n\n(C) Copyright por Andreas Falkenhahn\n")
(set #copydoc "Copiando documentación de NewInstaller...")
(set #copyni "Copiando ejecutable de NewInstaller...")
(set #fnshmsg "\n¡Instalación finalizada!\n\nPuede ejecutar NewInstaller por CLI: NewInstaller\n\n¡Echele un vistazo a la documentación!")
(set #language "español")
(set #copyreq "\nInstalando reqtools.library...")
(set #copygui "\nInstalando guigfx.library...")
(set #copyren "\nInstalando render.library...")
(set #chocpu "\nPor favor, seleccione su procesador")
(set #reqmc "\n¡Guigfx.library y render.library requieren 68020 o superior!\nEstas librerias no pueden ser instaladas en su sistema - ¡Algunas funciones de NewInstaller serán descativadas!")
(set #bgfnd "¿Quiere conservar su configuración del fondo o definir uno nuevo ahora?")
(set #useold "Conservar")
(set #defnew "Definir nuevo")
(set #conbg (cat "\n¡En el próximo paso el programa de configuración del fondo comenzará! "
"Seleccione 3 fondos, NewInstaller los usará opcionalmente "
"por defecto. ¡No podrá salir del programa mientras no haya seleccionado 3 fondos!"
(set #sndfnd "¿Quiere conservar su configuración de sonido o definir una nueva?")
(set #consnd (cat "\n¡En el próximo paso, el programa de configuración de sonido comenzará! "
"Necesita seleccionar 3 sonidos, NewInstaller los usará "
"por defecto.¡No podrá salir del programa mientras no haya seleccionado 3 sonidos! "
"\n\nRecuerde que el tamaño máximo del sonido es de 128Kb!"
(set #selins "Por favor, seleccione el directorio donde el comando Installer de Commodore está almacenado. Normalmente es C:")
(set #sellha "Por favor, seleccione el directorio donde el compresor LHA está almacenado. Normalmente es C:")
(set #sellzx "Por favor, seleccione el directorio donde el compresor LZX está almacenado. Normalmente es C:")
(set #cfind "El compresor no se encuentra en el directorio. ¿Quiere seleccionar otro directorio o quiere abandonar la instalación de soporte de compresores de NewInstaller?")
(set #cofind "\nel comando Installer de Commodore no se encuentra en el directorio. Por favor, ¡seleccione el directorio correcto! Sin el Installer de Commodore, ¡NewInstaller no funcionará!")
(set #new "Seleccione nuevo directorio")
(set #dont "No instalar soporte de compresores")
(set #inet "\n¿Está su amiga conectado a Internet? Si lo está, puede usar las características para Internet de NewInstaller")
(set #wprog "¿Qué paquete de TCP/IP usa para conectarse a Internet?")
(set #other "Otro programa")
(set #otherin "\nNewInstaller no está soportado por su paquete de TCP/IP aún. Eso significa que no podrá usar la utilidad Auto-Conectarse. ¡Pero si su paquete soporta bsdsocket.library puede usar las demás funciones para Internet de NewInstaller!")
(set #enname "Por favor, teclee tu nombre:")
(set #enmail "Teclee su servidor de correo (SMTP) de su proveedor de Internet:")
(set #helpme (cat "El servidor de correo suele ser en la mayoria de los casos 'mail.mi_proveedor.com'. Si su proveedor es por ejemplo: "
"online.no entonces el servidor de correo será probablemente mail.online.no. Si no está seguro "
"mire la configuración de su programa de correo"
(set #myemail "Por favor, teclee su dirección de correo electrónico:")
(set #endomai "Por favor, teclee el dominio de su proveedor de Internet:")
(set #helpdom "El dominio suele ser en la mayoria de los casos la dirección de su web sin 'http://www.'. Por ejemplo: Si la web de su proveedor es http://www.dialup.no, entonces el dominio será probablemente dialup.no")
(set #fndold "NewInstaller está completamente instalado en su sistema. ¿Qué quiere hacer ahora?")
(set #newcon "Configurarlo de nuevo")
(set #nothing "Salir")
(set #insupd "Instalar la actualización")
(set #fincon "\n¡NewInstaller ha sido configurado satisfactóriamente!")
(set #copyurl "\nInstalando openurl.library...")
(set #urlpref "¿Donde quiere que copie las preferencias de OpenUrl.library?")
(set #copymsg "Molim sacekati...\n\nInstalacija NewInstaller-a je u toku")
(set #fnshmsg "\nInstalacija je uspjela!\n\nMozes pokrenuti NewInstaller sa CLI-ja: NewInstaller.\n\Procitaj dokumentaciju!")
(set #language "bosanski")
(set #copyreq "\nInstaliram reqtools.library...")
(set #copygui "\nInstaliram guigfx.library...")
(set #copyren "\nInstaliram render.library...")
(set #chocpu "\nIzaberi tvoj procesor")
(set #reqmc "\nGuigfx.library i render.library zahtjevaju minimalno 68020 procesor!\nOve biblioteke nece biti instalirane na tvoj sistem, tako da ce neke funkcije NewInstaller-a biti ogranicene!")
(set #bgfnd "Zelis li zadrzati tvoju staru pozadinu ili izabrati novu?")
(set #useold "Zadrzi")
(set #defnew "Izaberi novu")
(set #conbg (cat "\nSlijedeci korak je pokeretanje programa za izbor pozadine."
"Trebas izabrati tri pozadine koje ce NewInstaller koristiti kao"
"Default. Nije moguce izaci iz programa dok se ne izaberu ove tri pozadine!"
(set #sndfnd "Zelis li zadrzati staru konfiguraciju zvuka ili izabrati novu?")
(set #consnd (cat "\nSlijedeci korak je pokeretanje programa za izbor zvukova."
"Trebas izabrati tri zvuka koje ce NewInstaller koristiti kao"
"Default. Nije moguce izaci iz programa dok se ne izaberu ova tri zvuka!"
"\n\nZapamti da zvukovi ne smiju biti veci od 128K!"
(set #selins "Izaberi ladicu u kojoj se nalazi Commodore-ov installer. Obicno je to C:")
(set #sellha "Izaberi ladicu u kojoj se nalazi LHA Packer. Obicno je to C:")
(set #sellzx "Izaberi ladicu u kojoj se nalazi LZX Packer. Obicno je to C:")
(set #cfind "Ne mogu pronaci Packer u toj ladici. Zelis li izabrati drugu ladicu ili odustati od koristenja NewInstalerovih mogucnosti pakovanja?")
(set #cofind "\nNe mogu pronaci Commodore-ov installer u toj ladici. Molim te izaberi pravu ladicu! Bez Commodore-ovog Installer-a NewInstaller ne moze raditi!")
(set #new "izaberi novu ladicu")
(set #dont "odustani od packera")
(set #inet "\nJe li tvoja Amiga prikljucena na Internet? Ako jeste, mozes koristiti Internet mogucnosti NewInstaller-a!")
(set #wprog "Koji TCP/IP Stack koristis za prikljucivanje na Internet?")
(set #other "drugi program")
(set #otherin "\nNewInstaller ne podrzava tvoj TCP/IP Stack. To znaci da ne mozes koristiti Auto-online funkciju, ali ako tvoj stack podrzava bsdsocket.library mozes koristiti sve ostale opcije za Internet!")
(set #enname "Upisi tvoje ime:")
(set #enmail "Upisi mailserver (SMTP) tvog Internet Providera:")
(set #helpme (cat "Mailserver je uglavnom nesto kao mail.myprovider.com. Ako je tvoj provider, na primjer "
"online.no onda ce mailserver najvjerovatnije biti mail.online.no. Ako nisi siguran pogledaj "
"konfiguraciju tvog mail programa!"
(set #myemail "Upisi tvoju e-mail adresu:")
(set #endomai "Upisi Domain tvog Internet Provider-a:")
(set #helpdom "Domain providera je uglavnom providerov Homepage bez 'http://www.'. Na primjer: Ako je Homepage tvog providera http://www.dialup.no onda ce domain najvjerovatnije biti dialup.no!")
(set #fndold "NewInstaller je vec' instaliran na tvoj sistem. Sta zelis uraditi?")
(set #newcon "nova konfiguracija")
(set #nothing "izlaz")
(set #insupd "instaliraj novu verziju")
(set #fincon "\nKonfiguracija NewInstaller-a je uspjela!")
(set #copyurl "\nInstaliram openurl.library...")
(set #urlpref "Gdje trebam kopirati Prefs za OpenUrl.library?")
(set #urlcon "\nZelis li konfigurirati OpenUrl.library sad (preporuceno) ?")
(set #copyide "\nInstaliram identify.library...")
(set #msgide "\nMozes naci cijeli paket Identify-ja na Aminetu ili na stranici Richard-a Körber-a (autor)!")
(set #copypop "\nInstaliram Popport.mcc...")
(set #defdrws (cat "\nSada je potrebno izabrati razlicite ladice za razlicite tipove programa "
"Na primjer za igre bi moglo biti: dh1:Igre/. Trebas izabrati 15 tipova ladica "
"za software. Ako nemas ladicu za neki tip softvera, npr. za programiranje "
"izaberi SYS: ili nesto slicno."
(set #dedrw_a "Izaberi ladicu gdje instaliras")
(set #dedrw_b "!")
(set #defabiz "posleni software")
(set #defcomm "komunikacije")
(set #defdemo "graficke i zvucne demo programe")
(set #defadev "software za programiranje")
(set #defdisk "programe za diskete i HD")
(set #defdocs "dokumente")
(set #defgame "igre")
(set #defagfx "graficki software")
(set #defhard "ispravke hardware-a")
(set #defmisc "razno")
(set #defmods "muzicke module")
(set #defamus "muzicki software")
(set #defapix "slike")
(set #deftext "programe za obradu teksta")
(set #defutil "korisnicke programe")
(if (= lcale 11) (
(set #welcome "\nSeja bem-vindo ao Installer do\n\nNewInstaller\n\n(C) Copyright de Andreas Falkenhahn\n")
(set #copydoc "A copiar a documentação do NewInstaller...")
(set #copyni "A copiar o executável do NewInstaller...")
(set #copymsg "Aguarde, por favor...\n\nA instalar o NewInstaller")
(set #fnshmsg "\nInstalação terminada!\n\nPode iniciar o NewInstaller com o CLI!\n\nÉ aconselhável ler a documentação!")
(set #language "português")
(set #copyreq "\nA instalar a reqtools.library...")
(set #copygui "\nA instalar a guigfx.library...")
(set #copyren "\nA instalar a render.library...")
(set #chocpu "\nPor favor, indique o seu processador:")
(set #reqmc "\nA guigfx.library e a render.library requerem no mínimo um 68020!\nComo não podem ser instaladas no seu sistema, algumas das funções do NewInstaller serão limitadas!")
(set #bgfnd "Deseja manter a sua config. anterior de imagens de fundo ou prefere definir uma nova?")
(set #useold "Manter")
(set #defnew "Definir uma Nova")
(set #conbg (cat "\nNesta fase da instalação, vai ser lançado o programa de configuração de fundos. "
"Nele, é preciso escolher três imagens de fundo que o NewInstaller vai usar "
"opcionalmente como fundos pré-definidos. É imperativo escolher três imagens!"
(set #sndfnd "Deseja manter a sua config. de sons de fundo anterior ou prefere definir uma nova?")
(set #consnd (cat "\nNesta fase da instalação, vai ser lançado o programa de config. de sons de fundo. "
"Nele, é preciso escolher três sons de fundo que o NewInstaller vai usar "
"opcionalmente como sons pré-definidos. É imperativo escolher três sons! "
"\n\nLembre-se que cada som só pode ter no máximo 128kb de tamanho!"
(set #selins "Por favor, indique a gaveta onde se encontra o Commodore Installer. Normalmente, a gaveta é C:")
(set #sellha "Por favor, indique a gaveta onde se encontra o LHA. Normalmente, a gaveta é C:")
(set #sellzx "Por favor, indique a gaveta onde se encontra o LZX. Normalmente, a gaveta é C:")
(set #cfind "O programa de compressão não foi encontrado. Quer indicar uma nova gaveta ou prefere usar o NewInstaller sem suporte para compressão?")
(set #cofind "\nO Commodore Installer não foi encontrado. Por favor, indique a gaveta correcta! Sem o Commodore Installer, o NewInstaller não pode trabalhar!")
(set #new "Indicar uma Nova Gaveta")
(set #dont "Prescindir do Suporte para Compressão")
(set #inet "\nO seu Amiga está ligado à Internet? Se assim for, pode usufruir das novas funções Internet do NewInstaller!")
(set #wprog "Qual é o programa de TCP/IP que usa para se ligar à Internet?")
(set #other "Outro Programa")
(set #otherin "\nO NewInstaller ainda não suporta o seu programa de TCP/IP, pelo que não é possível usar a função Auto-Online. Mas se o seu programa suporta a bsdsocket.library, pode usar todas as outras funções Internet do NewInstaller!")
(set #enname "Por favor, indique o seu nome:")
(set #enmail "Por favor, indique o servidor de correio (SMTP) do seu fornecedor de acesso à Internet:")
(set #helpme (cat "Na maioria dos casos, o servidor de correio tem o formato mail.o_meu_fornecedor.código_do_país. "
"Se o seu fornecedor é, por ex., telepac.pt, o servidor de correio será provavelmente mail.telepac.pt. "
"Se não tem a certeza destes dados, veja a configuração do seu programa de Email!"
(set #myemail "Por favor, indique o seu endereço de Email:")
(set #endomai "Por favor, indique o domínio do seu fornecedor de acesso à Internet:")
(set #helpdom "O domínio do seu fornecedor é quase sempre o URL da página na Web sem o 'http://www.'. Por ex., se a página do seu fornecedor se encontrar em http://www.telepac.pt, o domínio será provavelmente telepac.pt.")
(set #fndold "O NewInstaller já se encontra instalado no seu sistema. O que deseja fazer agora?")
(set #newcon "Redefinir a Configuração")
(set #nothing "Sair")
(set #insupd "Actualizar a Instalação")
(set #fincon "\nO NewInstaller foi configurado com êxito!")
(set #copyurl "\nA instalar a openurl.library...")
(set #urlpref "Para onde deve ser copiado o programa de preferências da OpenUrl.library?")
(set #urlcon "\nDeseja configurar agora a OpenUrl.library (recomendado) ?")
(set #copyide "\nA instalar a identify.library...")
(set #msgide "\nPode obter o programa Identify completo na Aminet ou na página do autor Richard Körber.")
(set #copypop "\nA instalar a Popport.mcc...")
(set #defdrws (cat "\nNesta fase da instalação, pode seleccionar as diferentes gaveta do seu disco "
"rígido que correspondem a diferentes tipos de software. É possível seleccionar "
"gavetas para um máximo de 15 tipos de software. Se não tiver uma gaveta para um "
"certo tipo de software (ex. programação), basta indicar SYS:."
(set #dedrw_a "Por favor, indique a gaveta onde")
(set #dedrw_b "costuma instalar:")
(set #defabiz "Software de Negócios")
(set #defcomm "Software de Comunicação em Rede")
(set #defdemo "Demos de Gráficos e Som")
(set #defadev "Software de Programação")
(set #defdisk "Ferramentas para Discos Rígidos e Disquetes")
(set #defdocs "Documentos")
(set #defgame "Jogos")
(set #defagfx "Software de Gráficos")
(set #defhard "'Patches' para Hardware")
(set #defmisc "Programas Diversos")
(set #defmods "Módulos de Música")
(set #defamus "Software de Música")
(set #defapix "Imagens")
(set #deftext "Software de Texto")
(set #defutil "Utilidades Gerais")
(if (= lcale 14) (
(set #welcome "\nTervetuloa asentamaan\n\nNewInstaller\n\n(C) Tekijänoikeudet Andreas Falkenhahn\n")
(set #reqmc "\nGuigfx.library and render.library require at least a 68020 CPU!\nThese libraries won`t be installed on your syste - there some functions of NewInstaller are restricted!")
(set #bgfnd "Do you want to retain your old background configuration or define them new?")
(set #useold "retain")
(set #defnew "define new")
(set #conbg (cat "\nAs the next step the configuration program for the backgrounds will be started! "
"You need to select three backgrounds, which NewInstaller will optionally use as "
"default. You cannot quit the program until you`ve selected the three backgrounds!"
(set #sndfnd "Do you want to retain your old sound configuration or define them new?")
(set #consnd (cat "\nAs the next step the configuration program for the sounds will be started! "
"You need to select three sounds, which NewInstaller will optionally use as "
"default. You cannot quit the program until you`ve selected the three sounds! "
"\n\nPlease note that the maximum size of a sound is 128kb!"
(set #selins "Please select the drawer where the Commodore Installer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #sellha "Please select the drawer where the LHA packer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #sellzx "Please select the drawer where the LZX packer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #cfind "The packer couldn`t be found in that drawer. Do you want to select a new drawer or do you want to renounce NewInstallers packersupport?")
(set #cofind "\nThe Commodore Installer couldn`t be found in that drawer. Please select the right drawer! Without the Commodore Installer NewInstaller cannot work!")
(set #new "select new drawer")
(set #dont "don`t installer packer support")
(set #inet "\nIs your Amiga connected to Internet? If this is the case, you can use the new Internet features of NewInstaller!")
(set #wprog "Which TCP/IP Stack do you use to connect to Internet?")
(set #other "other program")
(set #otherin "\nNewInstaller does not support your TCP/IP Stack yet. That means you cannot use the Auto-Online feature. But if your stack does support bsdsocket.library you can use all other Internet functions of NewInstaller!")
(set #enname "Please enter your name:")
(set #enmail "Please enter the mailserver (SMTP) of your Internet Service Provider:")
(set #helpme (cat "The mailserver is mostly in a form like mail.myprovider.com. If your provider is for example "
"online.no then the mailserver would most probably mail.online.no. If you`re not sure have a "
"look at the configuration of your email software!"
(set #myemail "Please enter your email address:")
(set #endomai "Please enter the domain of your Internet Service Provider:")
(set #helpdom "The domain of your provider is mostly the homepage without 'http://www.'. For example: If the homepage of your provider is http://www.dialup.no then the domain would most probably be dialup.no!")
(set #fndold "NewInstaller is already installed on your system. What do you want to do now?")
(set #newcon "configurate it new")
(set #nothing "exit")
(set #insupd "install update")
(set #fincon "\nNewInstaller was configured successfully!")
(set #copyurl "\nInstalling openurl.library...")
(set #urlpref "Where shall the preferences for OpenUrl.library be copied to?")
(set #urlcon "\nDo you want to configure OpenUrl.library now (advised) ?")
(set #copyide "\nInstalling identify.library...")
(set #msgide "\nYou can get the full identify package from Aminet or from the homepage of the author Richard Körber!")
(set #copypop "\nInstalling Popport.mcc...")
(set #defdrws (cat "\nAs next you can select different drawers for different kinds of software "
"For example for games: dh2:Games/. You can totally select 15 different kinds "
"of software drawers. If you do not have a drawer for some kind of software, "
"e.g. for developing tools, just select SYS: or something similar."
(set #dedrw_a "Please select the drawer where your")
(set #dedrw_b "is/are installed!")
(set #defabiz "Business software")
(set #defcomm "Communications")
(set #defdemo "Graphics & Sound demos")
(set #defadev "Development software")
(set #defdisk "Disk & HD Tools")
(set #defdocs "Documents")
(set #defgame "Games")
(set #defagfx "Graphics software")
(set #defhard "Hardware Patches")
(set #defmisc "Miscellaneous")
(set #defmods "Music modules")
(set #defamus "Music software")
(set #defapix "Pictures")
(set #deftext "Text software")
(set #defutil "Utilities")
(if (= lcale 8) (
(set #welcome "\nWelkom bij de Installer voor\n\nNewInstaller\n\n(C) Copyright door Andreas Falkenhahn\n")
(set #copydoc "Kopiëren van NewInstaller documentatie...")
(set #copyni "Kopiëren van NewInstaller programma...")
(set #copymsg "Wacht even...\n\nInstalleren van NewInstaller")
(set #fnshmsg "\nInstallatie voltooid!\n\nU kunt NewInstaller starten vanuit de CLI: NewInstaller!\n\nLees de documentatie!")
(set #language "nederlands")
(set #copyreq "\nInstalling reqtools.library...")
(set #copygui "\nInstalling guigfx.library...")
(set #copyren "\nInstalling render.library...")
(set #chocpu "\nPlease select your processor")
(set #reqmc "\nGuigfx.library and render.library require at least a 68020 CPU!\nThese libraries won`t be installed on your syste - there some functions of NewInstaller are restricted!")
(set #bgfnd "Do you want to retain your old background configuration or define them new?")
(set #useold "retain")
(set #defnew "define new")
(set #conbg (cat "\nAs the next step the configuration program for the backgrounds will be started! "
"You need to select three backgrounds, which NewInstaller will optionally use as "
"default. You cannot quit the program until you`ve selected the three backgrounds!"
(set #sndfnd "Do you want to retain your old sound configuration or define them new?")
(set #consnd (cat "\nAs the next step the configuration program for the sounds will be started! "
"You need to select three sounds, which NewInstaller will optionally use as "
"default. You cannot quit the program until you`ve selected the three sounds! "
"\n\nPlease note that the maximum size of a sound is 128kb!"
(set #selins "Please select the drawer where the Commodore Installer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #sellha "Please select the drawer where the LHA packer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #sellzx "Please select the drawer where the LZX packer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #cfind "The packer couldn`t be found in that drawer. Do you want to select a new drawer or do you want to renounce NewInstallers packersupport?")
(set #cofind "\nThe Commodore Installer couldn`t be found in that drawer. Please select the right drawer! Without the Commodore Installer NewInstaller cannot work!")
(set #new "select new drawer")
(set #dont "don`t installer packer support")
(set #inet "\nIs your Amiga connected to Internet? If this is the case, you can use the new Internet features of NewInstaller!")
(set #wprog "Which TCP/IP Stack do you use to connect to Internet?")
(set #other "other program")
(set #otherin "\nNewInstaller does not support your TCP/IP Stack yet. That means you cannot use the Auto-Online feature. But if your stack does support bsdsocket.library you can use all other Internet functions of NewInstaller!")
(set #enname "Please enter your name:")
(set #enmail "Please enter the mailserver (SMTP) of your Internet Service Provider:")
(set #helpme (cat "The mailserver is mostly in a form like mail.myprovider.com. If your provider is for example "
"online.no then the mailserver would most probably mail.online.no. If you`re not sure have a "
"look at the configuration of your email software!"
(set #myemail "Please enter your email address:")
(set #endomai "Please enter the domain of your Internet Service Provider:")
(set #helpdom "The domain of your provider is mostly the homepage without 'http://www.'. For example: If the homepage of your provider is http://www.dialup.no then the domain would most probably be dialup.no!")
(set #fndold "NewInstaller is already installed on your system. What do you want to do now?")
(set #newcon "configurate it new")
(set #nothing "exit")
(set #insupd "install update")
(set #fincon "\nNewInstaller was configured successfully!")
(set #copyurl "\nInstalling openurl.library...")
(set #urlpref "Where shall the preferences for OpenUrl.library be copied to?")
(set #urlcon "\nDo you want to configure OpenUrl.library now (advised) ?")
(set #copyide "\nInstalling identify.library...")
(set #msgide "\nYou can get the full identify package from Aminet or from the homepage of the author Richard Körber!")
(set #copypop "\nInstalling Popport.mcc...")
(set #defdrws (cat "\nAs next you can select different drawers for different kinds of software "
"For example for games: dh2:Games/. You can totally select 15 different kinds "
"of software drawers. If you do not have a drawer for some kind of software, "
"e.g. for developing tools, just select SYS: or something similar."
(set #dedrw_a "Please select the drawer where your")
(set #dedrw_b "is/are installed!")
(set #defabiz "Business software")
(set #defcomm "Communications")
(set #defdemo "Graphics & Sound demos")
(set #defadev "Development software")
(set #defdisk "Disk & HD Tools")
(set #defdocs "Documents")
(set #defgame "Games")
(set #defagfx "Graphics software")
(set #defhard "Hardware Patches")
(set #defmisc "Miscellaneous")
(set #defmods "Music modules")
(set #defamus "Music software")
(set #defapix "Pictures")
(set #deftext "Text software")
(set #defutil "Utilities")
(if (= lcale 9) (
(set #welcome "\nVelkommen til Installasjons scriptet for\n\nNewInstaller\n\n(C) Kopibeskyttet av Andreas Falkenhahn\n")
(set #fnshmsg "\nInstallasjonen er vellykket!\n\nDu kan nå starte NewInstaller ved CLI: NewInstaller!\n\nTa en titt på dokumentasjonen!")
(set #language "norsk")
(set #copyreq "\nInstalling reqtools.library...")
(set #copygui "\nInstalling guigfx.library...")
(set #copyren "\nInstalling render.library...")
(set #chocpu "\nPlease select your processor")
(set #reqmc "\nGuigfx.library and render.library require at least a 68020 CPU!\nThese libraries won`t be installed on your syste - there some functions of NewInstaller are restricted!")
(set #bgfnd "Do you want to retain your old background configuration or define them new?")
(set #useold "retain")
(set #defnew "define new")
(set #conbg (cat "\nAs the next step the configuration program for the backgrounds will be started! "
"You need to select three backgrounds, which NewInstaller will optionally use as "
"default. You cannot quit the program until you`ve selected the three backgrounds!"
(set #sndfnd "Do you want to retain your old sound configuration or define them new?")
(set #consnd (cat "\nAs the next step the configuration program for the sounds will be started! "
"You need to select three sounds, which NewInstaller will optionally use as "
"default. You cannot quit the program until you`ve selected the three sounds! "
"\n\nPlease note that the maximum size of a sound is 128kb!"
(set #selins "Please select the drawer where the Commodore Installer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #sellha "Please select the drawer where the LHA packer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #sellzx "Please select the drawer where the LZX packer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #cfind "The packer couldn`t be found in that drawer. Do you want to select a new drawer or do you want to renounce NewInstallers packersupport?")
(set #cofind "\nThe Commodore Installer couldn`t be found in that drawer. Please select the right drawer! Without the Commodore Installer NewInstaller cannot work!")
(set #new "select new drawer")
(set #dont "don`t installer packer support")
(set #inet "\nIs your Amiga connected to Internet? If this is the case, you can use the new Internet features of NewInstaller!")
(set #wprog "Which TCP/IP Stack do you use to connect to Internet?")
(set #other "other program")
(set #otherin "\nNewInstaller does not support your TCP/IP Stack yet. That means you cannot use the Auto-Online feature. But if your stack does support bsdsocket.library you can use all other Internet functions of NewInstaller!")
(set #enname "Please enter your name:")
(set #enmail "Please enter the mailserver (SMTP) of your Internet Service Provider:")
(set #helpme (cat "The mailserver is mostly in a form like mail.myprovider.com. If your provider is for example "
"online.no then the mailserver would most probably mail.online.no. If you`re not sure have a "
"look at the configuration of your email software!"
(set #myemail "Please enter your email address:")
(set #endomai "Please enter the domain of your Internet Service Provider:")
(set #helpdom "The domain of your provider is mostly the homepage without 'http://www.'. For example: If the homepage of your provider is http://www.dialup.no then the domain would most probably be dialup.no!")
(set #fndold "NewInstaller is already installed on your system. What do you want to do now?")
(set #newcon "configurate it new")
(set #nothing "exit")
(set #insupd "install update")
(set #fincon "\nNewInstaller was configured successfully!")
(set #copyurl "\nInstalling openurl.library...")
(set #urlpref "Where shall the preferences for OpenUrl.library be copied to?")
(set #urlcon "\nDo you want to configure OpenUrl.library now (advised) ?")
(set #copyide "\nInstalling identify.library...")
(set #msgide "\nYou can get the full identify package from Aminet or from the homepage of the author Richard Körber!")
(set #copypop "\nInstalling Popport.mcc...")
(set #defdrws (cat "\nAs next you can select different drawers for different kinds of software "
"For example for games: dh2:Games/. You can totally select 15 different kinds "
"of software drawers. If you do not have a drawer for some kind of software, "
"e.g. for developing tools, just select SYS: or something similar."
(set #dedrw_a "Please select the drawer where your")
(set #dedrw_b "is/are installed!")
(set #defabiz "Business software")
(set #defcomm "Communications")
(set #defdemo "Graphics & Sound demos")
(set #defadev "Development software")
(set #defdisk "Disk & HD Tools")
(set #defdocs "Documents")
(set #defgame "Games")
(set #defagfx "Graphics software")
(set #defhard "Hardware Patches")
(set #defmisc "Miscellaneous")
(set #defmods "Music modules")
(set #defamus "Music software")
(set #defapix "Pictures")
(set #deftext "Text software")
(set #defutil "Utilities")
(if (= lcale 15) (
(set #welcome "\nNewInstaller programýnýn\n\nkurulumuna hoþ geldiniz.\n\n(C) Copyright by Andreas Falkenhahn\n")
(set #fnshmsg "\nKurulum tamamlandý!\n\nNewInstaller`i CLI: NewInstaller`dan baþlatabilirsiniz!\n\nDökümana bir göz atýnýz lütfen")
(set #language "türkçe")
(set #copyreq "\nInstalling reqtools.library...")
(set #copygui "\nInstalling guigfx.library...")
(set #copyren "\nInstalling render.library...")
(set #chocpu "\nPlease select your processor")
(set #reqmc "\nGuigfx.library and render.library require at least a 68020 CPU!\nThese libraries won`t be installed on your syste - there some functions of NewInstaller are restricted!")
(set #bgfnd "Do you want to retain your old background configuration or define them new?")
(set #useold "retain")
(set #defnew "define new")
(set #conbg (cat "\nAs the next step the configuration program for the backgrounds will be started! "
"You need to select three backgrounds, which NewInstaller will optionally use as "
"default. You cannot quit the program until you`ve selected the three backgrounds!"
(set #sndfnd "Do you want to retain your old sound configuration or define them new?")
(set #consnd (cat "\nAs the next step the configuration program for the sounds will be started! "
"You need to select three sounds, which NewInstaller will optionally use as "
"default. You cannot quit the program until you`ve selected the three sounds! "
"\n\nPlease note that the maximum size of a sound is 128kb!"
(set #selins "Please select the drawer where the Commodore Installer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #sellha "Please select the drawer where the LHA packer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #sellzx "Please select the drawer where the LZX packer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #cfind "The packer couldn`t be found in that drawer. Do you want to select a new drawer or do you want to renounce NewInstallers packersupport?")
(set #cofind "\nThe Commodore Installer couldn`t be found in that drawer. Please select the right drawer! Without the Commodore Installer NewInstaller cannot work!")
(set #new "select new drawer")
(set #dont "don`t installer packer support")
(set #inet "\nIs your Amiga connected to Internet? If this is the case, you can use the new Internet features of NewInstaller!")
(set #wprog "Which TCP/IP Stack do you use to connect to Internet?")
(set #other "other program")
(set #otherin "\nNewInstaller does not support your TCP/IP Stack yet. That means you cannot use the Auto-Online feature. But if your stack does support bsdsocket.library you can use all other Internet functions of NewInstaller!")
(set #enname "Please enter your name:")
(set #enmail "Please enter the mailserver (SMTP) of your Internet Service Provider:")
(set #helpme (cat "The mailserver is mostly in a form like mail.myprovider.com. If your provider is for example "
"online.no then the mailserver would most probably mail.online.no. If you`re not sure have a "
"look at the configuration of your email software!"
(set #myemail "Please enter your email address:")
(set #endomai "Please enter the domain of your Internet Service Provider:")
(set #helpdom "The domain of your provider is mostly the homepage without 'http://www.'. For example: If the homepage of your provider is http://www.dialup.no then the domain would most probably be dialup.no!")
(set #fndold "NewInstaller is already installed on your system. What do you want to do now?")
(set #newcon "configurate it new")
(set #nothing "exit")
(set #insupd "install update")
(set #fincon "\nNewInstaller was configured successfully!")
(set #copyurl "\nInstalling openurl.library...")
(set #urlpref "Where shall the preferences for OpenUrl.library be copied to?")
(set #urlcon "\nDo you want to configure OpenUrl.library now (advised) ?")
(set #copyide "\nInstalling identify.library...")
(set #msgide "\nYou can get the full identify package from Aminet or from the homepage of the author Richard Körber!")
(set #copypop "\nInstalling Popport.mcc...")
(set #defdrws (cat "\nAs next you can select different drawers for different kinds of software "
"For example for games: dh2:Games/. You can totally select 15 different kinds "
"of software drawers. If you do not have a drawer for some kind of software, "
"e.g. for developing tools, just select SYS: or something similar."
(set #dedrw_a "Please select the drawer where your")
(set #dedrw_b "is/are installed!")
(set #defabiz "Business software")
(set #defcomm "Communications")
(set #defdemo "Graphics & Sound demos")
(set #defadev "Development software")
(set #defdisk "Disk & HD Tools")
(set #defdocs "Documents")
(set #defgame "Games")
(set #defagfx "Graphics software")
(set #defhard "Hardware Patches")
(set #defmisc "Miscellaneous")
(set #defmods "Music modules")
(set #defamus "Music software")
(set #defapix "Pictures")
(set #deftext "Text software")
(set #defutil "Utilities")
(if (= lcale 6) (
(set #welcome "\nBenvenuto nell'Installer di\n\nNewInstaller\n\n(C) Copyright di Andreas Falkenhahn\n")
(set #copydoc "Copio la documentazione di NewInstaller...")
(set #copyni "Copio l'eseguibile di NewInstaller...")
(set #fnshmsg "\nL'installazione è andata a buon fine!\n\nPuoi avviare NewInstaller da linea di comando: 'NewInstaller'!\n\nLeggi la documentazione!")
(set #language "italiano")
(set #copyreq "\nInstallo reqtools.library...")
(set #copygui "\nInstallo guigfx.library...")
(set #copyren "\nInstallo render.library...")
(set #chocpu "\nSeleziona il processore, prego")
(set #reqmc "\nGuigfx.library e render.library necessitano almeno di un processore 68020!\nQueste librerie non saranno installate sul tuo sistema - perciò alcune funzioni di NewInstaller non saranno disponibili!")
(set #bgfnd "Vuoi mantenere la tua precedente configurazione degli sfondi o vuoi ridefinirla?")
(set #useold "mantieni")
(set #defnew "ridefinisci")
(set #conbg (cat "\nNel prossimo passo sarà avviato il programma di configurazione degli sfondi! "
"Dovrai selezionare tre sfondi che NewInstaller utilizzerà come predefiniti. Non "
"potrai uscire dal programma finché non avrai selezionato tutti e tre gli sfondi!"
(set #sndfnd "Vuoi mantenere la tua precedente configurazione dei suoni o vuoi ridefinirla?")
(set #consnd (cat "\nNel prossimo passo sarà avviato il programma di configurazione dei suoni! "
"Dovrai selezionare tre suoni che NewInstaller utilizzerà come predefiniti. Non "
"potrai uscire dal programma finché non avrai selezionato tutti e tre i suoni! "
"\n\nNOTA: la massima dimensione dei suoni è di 128Kb!"
(set #selins "Seleziona il cassetto che contiene l'Installer Commodore. Normalmente è C:")
(set #sellha "Seleziona il cassetto che contiene l'archiviatore LHA. Normalmente è C:")
(set #sellzx "Seleziona il cassetto che contiene l'archiviatore LZX. Normalmente è C:")
(set #cfind "L'archiviatore non è stato trovato. Vuoi selezionare un altro cassetto o vuoi rinunciare al supporto degli archiviatori di NewInstaller?")
(set #cofind "\nL'Installer Commodore non è stato trovato in questo cassetto. Seleziona il cassetto giusto! Senza Installer nemmeno NewInstaller può funzionare!")
(set #inet "\nIl tuo Amiga è connesso ad Internet? In questo caso potrai utilizzare le nuove caratteristiche riguardanti Internet di NewInstaller!")
(set #wprog "Quale programma TCP/IP usi per connetterti ad Internet?")
(set #other "altro programma")
(set #otherin "\nNewInstaller non supporta ancora il tuo programma TCP/IP. Ciò significa che non puoi usare la caratteristica di collegamento automatico. Ma se il programma supporta la bsdsocket.library puoi usare tutte le altre funzioni riguardanti Internet di NewInstaller!")
(set #enname "Inserisci il tuo nome:")
(set #enmail "Inserisci il server di posta (SMTP) del tuo Internet Service Provider:")
(set #helpme (cat "Il server di posta è il più delle volte in un formato come mail.mioprovider.com. Se il tuo provider è per esempio "
"tin.it allora il server di posta molto probabilmente sarà mail.tin.it. Se non sei sicuro guarda nella "
"configurazione del tuo programma di posta elettronica!"
(set #myemail "Inserisci il tuo indirizzo email:")
(set #endomai "Inserisci il nome del dominio del tuo provider:")
(set #helpdom "Il nome del dominio il più delle volte corrisponde alla home page senza 'http://www.'. Ad esempio, se la home page del tuo provider è http://www.tin.it il dominio sarà molto probabilmente tin.it!")
(set #fndold "NewInstaller è già installato nel tuo sistema. Cosa vuoi fare?")
(set #newcon "riconfigurazione")
(set #nothing "esci")
(set #insupd "installa aggiornamento")
(set #fincon "\nNewInstaller è stato configurato con successo!")
(set #copyurl "\nInstallo openurl.library...")
(set #urlpref "Dove devono essere copiate le preferenze di OpenUrl.library?")
(set #urlcon "\nVuoi configurare OpenUrl.library ora (consigliato) ?")
(set #copyide "\nInstallo identify.library...")
(set #msgide "\nPuoi trovare l'archivio completo della identify.library su Aminet o nella home page dell'autore Richard Körber!")
(set #copypop "\nInstallo Popport.mcc...")
(set #defdrws (cat "\nOra puoi selezionare diversi cassetti per i diversi tipi di software, "
"Ad esempio per i giochi: Work:Giochi/. Puoi selezionare 15 diversi cassetti "
"per le categorie di software. Se non hai un cassetto per alcuni tipi di software, "
"ad es. per i programmi di sviluppo, seleziona semplicemente SYS: o qualcosa del genere."
(set #dedrw_a "Seleziona il cassetto dove hai installato")
(set #dedrw_b "!")
(set #defabiz "i programmi commerciali")
(set #defcomm "i programmi di comunicazione")
(set #defdemo "le demo grafiche e sonore")
(set #defadev "i programmi per lo sviluppo")
(set #defdisk "le applicazioni per i dischi e l'HD")
(set #defdocs "i documenti")
(set #defgame "i giochi")
(set #defagfx "i programmi di grafica")
(set #defhard "i patch hardware")
(set #defmisc "programmi di vario genere")
(set #defmods "i moduli musicali")
(set #defamus "i programmi musicali")
(set #defapix "le immagini")
(set #deftext "i programmi di elaborazione testi")
(set #defutil "i programmi di utilità")
(if (= lcale 5) (
(set #welcome "\nBienvenue à l'installeur de\n\nNewInstaller\n\n(C) Copyright par Andreas Falkenhahn\n")
(set #copydoc "Copie de la documentation de NewInstaller...")
(set #copyni "Copie de l'exécutable de NewInstaller...")
(set #copymsg "Veuillez patienter...\n\nInstallation de NewInstaller")
(set #fnshmsg "\nInstallation terminée !\n\nVous pouvez lancer NewInstaller du CLI: NewInstaller\n\nLisez la documentation !")
(set #language "français")
(set #copyreq "\nInstallation de la reqtools.library...")
(set #copygui "\nInstallation de la guigfx.library...")
(set #copyren "\nInstallation de la render.library...")
(set #reqmc "\nGuigfx.library et render.library requièrent au moins un 68020 !\nCes bibliothèques ne peuvent être installées sur votre système - Certaines fonctions de NewInstaller sont restreintes !")
(set #bgfnd "Voulez-vous conserver votre ancienne configuration de fonds d'écran ou en définir une nouvelle ?")
(set #useold "conserver")
(set #defnew "définir une nouvelle")
(set #conbg (cat "\nA l'étape suivante, le programme de configuration des fonds d'écran va être lancé ! "
"Vous devrez sélectionner trois fonds d'écran, que NewInstaller utilisera éventuellement par défaut. "
"Vous ne pouvez pas quitter le programme tant que vous n'avez pas sélectionné trois fonds d'écran !"
(set #sndfnd "Voulez-vous conserver votre ancienne configuration sonore ou en définir une nouvelle ?")
(set #consnd (cat "\nA l'étape suivante, le programme de configuration des sons va être lancé ! "
"Vous devrez sélectionner trois sons, que NewInstaller utilisera éventuellement par défaut. "
"Vous ne pouvez pas quitter le programme tant que vous n'avez pas sélectionné trois sons ! "
"\n\nVeuillez noter que la taille maximale pour un son est de 128 Ko !"
(set #selins "Veuillez sélectionner le répertoire où se trouve le programme \'Installer\' de Commodore. Normalement il s'agit de C:")
(set #sellha "Veuillez sélectionner le répertoire où se trouve l'archiveur LHA. Normalement il s'agit de C:")
(set #sellzx "Veuillez sélectionner le répertoire où se trouve l'archiveur LZX. Normalement il s'agit de C:")
(set #cfind "L'archiveur n'a pas été trouvé dans ce répertoire. Voulez-vous sélectionner un nouveau répertoire ou voulez-vous renoncer à son utilisation dans NewInstaller ?")
(set #cofind "\nL'Installer de Commodore n'a pas été trouvé dans ce répertoire. Sélectionnez le bon répertoire ! NewInstaller ne fonctionne pas sans l'Installer de Commodore !")
(set #new "sélectionnez un autre répertoire")
(set #dont "pas de fonctionnalité d'archivage")
(set #inet "\nVotre Amiga est-il connecté à l'Internet ? Si c'est le cas, vous pouvez utiliser les nouvelles caractéristiques Internet de NewInstaller !")
(set #wprog "Quel programme de gestion de pile TCP/IP utilisez-vous pour vous connecter à l'Internet ?")
(set #other "autre programme")
(set #otherin "\nNewInstaller ne gère pas encore la pile TCP/IP. Cela signifie que vous ne pouvez pas utiliser la caractéristique de la prise de ligne automatiquement. Mais si votre pile gère la bsdsocket.library vous pouvez utiliser toutes les autres fonctions Internet de NewInstaller !")
(set #enname "Veuillez entrer votre nom :")
(set #enmail "Veuillez entrer le nom du serveur (SMTP) de votre fournisseur d'accès Internet :")
(set #helpme (cat "Le nom du serveur est généralement sous la forme : mail.myprovider.com. Si par exemple, votre fournisseur "
"est online.no alors le serveur de courrier sera probablement mail.online.no. Si vous n'en êtes pas sûr, "
"vérifiez dans la configuration de votre programme de courrier !"
(set #myemail "Veuillez entrer votre adresse de courrier électronique :")
(set #endomai "Veuillez entrer le nom de domaine de votre fournisseur d'accès :")
(set #helpdom "Le nom de domaine de votre fournisseur est le plus souvent le nom présent dans sa page d'accueil, sans le 'http://www.'. Par exemple : Si la page d'accueil de votre fournisseur est : http://www.dialup.no alors le nom de domaine sera très certainement dialup.no !")
(set #fndold "NewInstaller est déjà installé sur votre système.\nQue souhaitez-vous faire ?")
(set #newcon "effectuer une nouvelle configuration")
(set #nothing "quitter")
(set #insupd "installer une mise à jour")
(set #fincon "\nNewInstaller a été configuré avec succès !")
(set #copyurl "\nInstallation de la openurl.library...")
(set #urlpref "Où faut-il copier les préférences de l'OpenUrl.library ?")
(set #fnshmsg "\nInstallation succeeded!\n\nYou can start NewInstaller by CLI: NewInstaller!\n\nHave a look at the documentation!")
(set #language "english")
(set #copyreq "\nInstalling reqtools.library...")
(set #copygui "\nInstalling guigfx.library...")
(set #copyren "\nInstalling render.library...")
(set #chocpu "\nPlease select your processor")
(set #reqmc "\nGuigfx.library and render.library require at least a 68020 CPU!\nThese libraries won`t be installed on your system - there some functions of NewInstaller are restricted!")
(set #bgfnd "Do you want to retain your old background configuration or define them new?")
(set #useold "retain")
(set #defnew "define new")
(set #conbg (cat "\nAs the next step the configuration program for the backgrounds will be started! "
"You need to select three backgrounds, which NewInstaller will optionally use as "
"default. You cannot quit the program until you`ve selected the three backgrounds!"
(set #sndfnd "Do you want to retain your old sound configuration or define them new?")
(set #consnd (cat "\nAs the next step the configuration program for the sounds will be started! "
"You need to select three sounds, which NewInstaller will optionally use as "
"default. You cannot quit the program until you`ve selected the three sounds! "
"\n\nPlease note that the maximum size of a sound is 128kb!"
(set #selins "Please select the drawer where the Commodore Installer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #sellha "Please select the drawer where the LHA packer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #sellzx "Please select the drawer where the LZX packer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #cfind "The packer couldn`t be found in that drawer. Do you want to select a new drawer or do you want to renounce NewInstallers packersupport?")
(set #cofind "\nThe Commodore Installer couldn`t be found in that drawer. Please select the right drawer! Without the Commodore Installer NewInstaller cannot work!")
(set #new "select new drawer")
(set #dont "don`t installer packer support")
(set #inet "\nIs your Amiga connected to Internet? If this is the case, you can use the new Internet features of NewInstaller!")
(set #wprog "Which TCP/IP Stack do you use to connect to Internet?")
(set #other "other program")
(set #otherin "\nNewInstaller does not support your TCP/IP Stack yet. That means you cannot use the Auto-Online feature. But if your stack does support bsdsocket.library you can use all other Internet functions of NewInstaller!")
(set #enname "Please enter your name:")
(set #enmail "Please enter the mailserver (SMTP) of your Internet Service Provider:")
(set #helpme (cat "The mailserver is mostly in a form like mail.myprovider.com. If your provider is for example "
"online.no then the mailserver would most probably mail.online.no. If you`re not sure have a "
"look at the configuration of your email software!"
(set #myemail "Please enter your email address:")
(set #endomai "Please enter the domain of your Internet Service Provider:")
(set #helpdom "The domain of your provider is mostly the homepage without 'http://www.'. For example: If the homepage of your provider is http://www.dialup.no then the domain would most probably be dialup.no!")
(set #fndold "NewInstaller is already installed on your system. What do you want to do now?")
(set #newcon "configurate it new")
(set #nothing "exit")
(set #insupd "install update")
(set #fincon "\nNewInstaller was configured successfully!")
(set #copyurl "\nInstalling openurl.library...")
(set #urlpref "Where shall the preferences for OpenUrl.library be copied to?")
(set #urlcon "\nDo you want to configure OpenUrl.library now (advised) ?")
(set #copyide "\nInstalling identify.library...")
(set #msgide "\nYou can get the full identify package from Aminet or from the homepage of the author Richard Körber!")
(set #copypop "\nInstalling Popport.mcc...")
(set #defdrws (cat "\nAs next you can select different drawers for different kinds of software "
"For example for games: dh2:Games/. You can totally select 15 different kinds "
"of software drawers. If you do not have a drawer for some kind of software, "
"e.g. for developing tools, just select SYS: or something similar."
(set #dedrw_a "Please select the drawer where your")
(set #dedrw_b "is/are installed!")
(set #defabiz "Business software")
(set #defcomm "Communications")
(set #defdemo "Graphics & Sound demos")
(set #defadev "Development software")
(set #defdisk "Disk & HD Tools")
(set #defdocs "Documents")
(set #defgame "Games")
(set #defagfx "Graphics software")
(set #defhard "Hardware Patches")
(set #defmisc "Miscellaneous")
(set #defmods "Music modules")
(set #defamus "Music software")
(set #defapix "Pictures")
(set #deftext "Text software")
(set #defutil "Utilities")
(if (= lcale 10) (
(set #welcome "\nWelcome to the Installer for\n\nNewInstaller\n\n(C) Copyright by Andreas Falkenhahn\n\n\nSorry, there`s no polish translation of the install script. But a catalog translation was done!")
(set #fnshmsg "\nInstallation succeeded!\n\nYou can start NewInstaller by CLI: NewInstaller!\n\nHave a look at the documentation!")
(set #language "polski")
(set #copyreq "\nInstalling reqtools.library...")
(set #copygui "\nInstalling guigfx.library...")
(set #copyren "\nInstalling render.library...")
(set #chocpu "\nPlease select your processor")
(set #reqmc "\nGuigfx.library and render.library require at least a 68020 CPU!\nThese libraries won`t be installed on your syste - there some functions of NewInstaller are restricted!")
(set #bgfnd "Do you want to retain your old background configuration or define them new?")
(set #useold "retain")
(set #defnew "define new")
(set #conbg (cat "\nAs the next step the configuration program for the backgrounds will be started! "
"You need to select three backgrounds, which NewInstaller will optionally use as "
"default. You cannot quit the program until you`ve selected the three backgrounds!"
(set #sndfnd "Do you want to retain your old sound configuration or define them new?")
(set #consnd (cat "\nAs the next step the configuration program for the sounds will be started! "
"You need to select three sounds, which NewInstaller will optionally use as "
"default. You cannot quit the program until you`ve selected the three sounds! "
"\n\nPlease note that the maximum size of a sound is 128kb!"
(set #selins "Please select the drawer where the Commodore Installer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #sellha "Please select the drawer where the LHA packer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #sellzx "Please select the drawer where the LZX packer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #cfind "The packer couldn`t be found in that drawer. Do you want to select a new drawer or do you want to renounce NewInstallers packersupport?")
(set #cofind "\nThe Commodore Installer couldn`t be found in that drawer. Please select the right drawer! Without the Commodore Installer NewInstaller cannot work!")
(set #new "select new drawer")
(set #dont "don`t installer packer support")
(set #inet "\nIs your Amiga connected to Internet? If this is the case, you can use the new Internet features of NewInstaller!")
(set #wprog "Which TCP/IP Stack do you use to connect to Internet?")
(set #other "other program")
(set #otherin "\nNewInstaller does not support your TCP/IP Stack yet. That means you cannot use the Auto-Online feature. But if your stack does support bsdsocket.library you can use all other Internet functions of NewInstaller!")
(set #enname "Please enter your name:")
(set #enmail "Please enter the mailserver (SMTP) of your Internet Service Provider:")
(set #helpme (cat "The mailserver is mostly in a form like mail.myprovider.com. If your provider is for example "
"online.no then the mailserver would most probably mail.online.no. If you`re not sure have a "
"look at the configuration of your email software!"
(set #myemail "Please enter your email address:")
(set #endomai "Please enter the domain of your Internet Service Provider:")
(set #helpdom "The domain of your provider is mostly the homepage without 'http://www.'. For example: If the homepage of your provider is http://www.dialup.no then the domain would most probably be dialup.no!")
(set #fndold "NewInstaller is already installed on your system. What do you want to do now?")
(set #newcon "configurate it new")
(set #nothing "exit")
(set #insupd "install update")
(set #fincon "\nNewInstaller was configured successfully!")
(set #copyurl "\nInstalling openurl.library...")
(set #urlpref "Where shall the preferences for OpenUrl.library be copied to?")
(set #urlcon "\nDo you want to configure OpenUrl.library now (advised) ?")
(set #copyide "\nInstalling identify.library...")
(set #msgide "\nYou can get the full identify package from Aminet or from the homepage of the author Richard Körber!")
(set #copypop "\nInstalling Popport.mcc...")
(set #defdrws (cat "\nAs next you can select different drawers for different kinds of software "
"For example for games: dh2:Games/. You can totally select 15 different kinds "
"of software drawers. If you do not have a drawer for some kind of software, "
"e.g. for developing tools, just select SYS: or something similar."
(set #dedrw_a "Please select the drawer where your")
(set #dedrw_b "is/are installed!")
(set #defabiz "Business software")
(set #defcomm "Communications")
(set #defdemo "Graphics & Sound demos")
(set #defadev "Development software")
(set #defdisk "Disk & HD Tools")
(set #defdocs "Documents")
(set #defgame "Games")
(set #defagfx "Graphics software")
(set #defhard "Hardware Patches")
(set #defmisc "Miscellaneous")
(set #defmods "Music modules")
(set #defamus "Music software")
(set #defapix "Pictures")
(set #deftext "Text software")
(set #defutil "Utilities")
(if (= lcale 0) (
(set #welcome "\nVÉtÁm vÁs u instalace programu\n\nNewInstaller\n\n(C) Copyright - Andreas Falkenhahn\n")
(set #copydoc "KopÉruje se dokumentace k NewInstalleru...")
(set #copyni "KopÉruje se program NewInstaller...")
(set #copymsg "ProsÉm poÃkejte...\n\nInstaluje se NewInstaller")
(set #fnshmsg "\nInstalace v poÒÁdku!\n\nMÊÚete spustit NewInstaller v CLI: NewInstaller!\n\nPodrobnosti se doÃtete v dokumentaci!")
(set #language "ÃeÓtina")
(set #copyreq "\nInstaluje se reqtools.library...")
(set #copygui "\nInstaluje se guigfx.library...")
(set #copyren "\nInstaluje se render.library...")
(set #chocpu "\nProsÉm vyberte typ procesoru")
(set #reqmc "\nGuigfx.library a render.library vyÚaduje minimÁlnÅ procesor 68020!\nTyto knihovny nemusejÉ bÙt nainstalovÁny - nÅkter× funkce NewInstalleru vÓak budou omezen×!")
(set #bgfnd "Chcete zachovat starou konfiguraci pozadÉ nebo definovat novou?")
(set #useold "Zachovat")
(set #defnew "Definovat novou")
(set #conbg (cat "\nJako dalÓÉ krok bude spuÓtÅn konfiguraÃnÉ program pozadÉ! "
"Je potÒeba vybrat tÒi pozadÉ, kter× NewInstaller bude pouÚÉvat jako "
"zÁkladnÉ. Nelze ukonÃit program do t× doby, dokud nezvolÉte tÒi pozadÉ!"
(set #sndfnd "Chcete zachovat starou konfiguaci zvuku nebo definovat novou?")
(set #consnd (cat "\nJako dalÓÉ krok bude spuÓtÅn konfiguraÃnÉ program pro zvuky! "
"Je potÒeba vybrat tÒi zvuky, kter× NewInstaller bude pouÚÉvat jako "
"zÁkladnÉ. Nelze ukonÃit program do t× doby, dokud nezvolÉte tÒi zvuky! "
"\n\nProsÉm, berte na vÅdomÉ, Úe maximÁlnÉ velikost zvukov×ho souboru je 128 kB!"
(set #selins "ProsÉm vyberte adresÁÒ, kde se nachÁzÉ originÁlnÉ Commodore Installer. BÅÚnÅ je v C:")
(set #sellha "ProsÉm vyberte adresÁÒ, kde se nachÁzÉ komprimÁtor LHA. BÅÚnÅ je v C:")
(set #sellzx "ProsÉm vyberte adresÁÒ, kde se nachÁzÉ komprimÁtor LZX. BÅÚnÅ je v C:")
(set #cfind "V tomto adresÁÒi nebyl komprimÁtor nalezen. Chcete vybrat novÙ adresÁÒ nebo se zÒeknete podpory komprimace v NewInstalleru?")
(set #cofind "\nV tomto adresÁÒi nebyl nalezen originÁlnÉ Commodore Installer. ProsÉm zvolte sprÁvnÙ adresÁÒ! Bez originÁlnÉho Commodore Installeru nebude NewInstaller pracovat!")
(set #new "Vybrat novÙ adresÁÒ")
(set #dont "Neinstalovat podporu komprimace")
(set #inet "\nJe vaÓe Amiga pÒipojenÁ k Internetu? JestliÚe ano, mÊÚete pouÚÉt nov× Internetov× vlastnosti NewInstalleru!")
(set #wprog "KterÙ TCP/IP klient pouÚÉvÁte pro pÒipojenÉ k Internetu?")
(set #other "JinÙ program")
(set #otherin "\nNewInstaller zatÉm nepodporuje TCP/IP klient, kterÙ mÁte. To znamenÁ, Úe nemÊÚete pouÚÉt vlastnost Auto-Online. Ale, jestliÚe tento klient podporuje bsdsocket.library, mÊÚete vyuÚÉt veÓker× Internetov× funkce NewInstalleru!")
(set #enname "ProsÉm zadejte sv× jm×no:")
(set #enmail "ProsÉm zadejte nÁzev poÓtovnÉho serveru (SMTP) poskytovatele pÒipojenÉ k internetu (ISP):")
(set #helpme (cat "NÁzev poÓtovnÉho server je obvykle ve tvaru mail.mujprovajdr.com. JestliÚe je poskytoval napÒ. "
"online.no, pak nÁzev mailserveru by mÅl bÙt mail.online.no. JestliÚe si nejste jisti, podÉvejte "
(set #helpdom "Dom×na poskytovatele je vÅtÓinou nÁzev domovsk× strÁnky bez 'http://www.'. NapÒ.: je-li domovskÁ strÁnka vaÓeho poskytovatele http://www.dialup.no, tak dom×na by mÅla bÙt dialup.no!")
(set #fndold "NewInstaller uÚ je ve vaÓem syst×mu nainstalovÁn. Co chcete nynÉ udÅlat?")
(set #newcon "Nakonfigurovat ho")
(set #nothing "UkonÃit")
(set #insupd "Instalovat aktualizaci")
(set #fincon "\nNewInstaller byl sprÁvnÅ nakonfigurovÁn!")
(set #copyurl "\nInstaluje se openurl.library...")
(set #urlpref "Kam se majÉ nakopÉrovat konfiguraÃnÉ soubory pro OpenUrl.library?")
(set #chocpu "Bitte wählen Sie Ihren Prozessor aus")
(set #reqmc "\nGuigfx.library und render.library benötigen mindestens einen 68020 Prozessor!\nDiese Libraries werden nicht auf Ihrem System installiert, deshalb sind einige Funktionen des NewInstaller eingeschränkt!")
(set #bgfnd "Wollen Sie Ihre alten Hintergrundvorgaben beibehalten oder neue definieren?")
(set #useold "beibehalten")
(set #defnew "neu definieren")
(set #conbg (cat "\nAls nächstes wird das Konfigurationsprogramm für die Hintergründe gestartet! "
"Sie müssen insgesamt drei Hintergründe auswählen, die NewInstaller dann optional "
"als Vorgabe verwendet. Erst wenn Sie alle drei Hintergründe ausgewählt haben, "
"können Sie das Programm verlassen!"
(set #sndfnd "Wollen Sie Ihre alten Soundvorgaben beibehalten oder neue definieren?")
(set #consnd (cat "\nAls nächstes wird das Konfigurationsprogramm für die Sounds gestartet! Sie müssen "
"insgesamt drei Sounds auswählen, die NewInstaller dann optional als Vorgabe "
"verwendet. Erst wenn Sie alle drei Sounds ausgewählt haben, können Sie das "
"Programm verlassen!\n\nBeachten Sie bitte, dass die maximale Größe für eine "
"Sounddatei 128kb beträgt!"
(set #selins "Bitte wählen Sie das Verzeichnis aus, indem sich der Commodore Installer befindet. Dies ist normalerweise C:")
(set #sellha "Bitte wählen Sie das Verzeichnis aus, indem sich der LHA Packer befindet. Dies ist normalerweise C:")
(set #sellzx "Bitte wählen Sie das Verzeichnis aus, indem sich der LZX Packer befindet. Dies ist normalerweise C:")
(set #cfind "Der Packer konnte in diesem Verzeichnis nicht gefunden werden, möchten Sie ein neues auswählen oder auf die Packerfunktion in NewInstaller verzichten?")
(set #cofind "\nDer Commodore Installer konnte in diesem Verzeichnis nicht gefunden werden, bitte wählen Sie das richtige Verzeichnis aus! Ohne den Commodore Installer kann NewInstaller nicht arbeiten!")
(set #inet "\nSind Sie mit Ihrem Amiga im Internet? Wenn ja, können Sie auch die neuen Internetfunktionen von NewInstaller benutzen!")
(set #wprog "Welchen TCP/IP Stack benutzen Sie um ins Internet zu gelangen?")
(set #other "anderes Programm")
(set #otherin "\nMomentan unterstützt NewInstaller Ihren TCP/IP noch nicht, das heißt, dass die Auto-Online Funktion gesperrt ist. Wenn Ihr Programm allerdings die bsdsocket.library unterstützt können Sie alle anderen Internetfunktionen benutzen!")
(set #enname "Bitte geben Sie Ihren Namen ein:")
(set #enmail "Bitte geben Sie den Namen des Mailserver (SMTP) Ihres Providers ein:")
(set #helpme (cat "Der Mailserver ist meistens in der Form mail.meinprovider.de. Sollte Ihr Provider z.B. "
"nacamar.de sein, so würde der Mailserver höchstwahrscheinlich mail.nacamar.de "
"heißen. Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, schauen Sie einfach in der Konfiguration "
"Ihres Email Programms nach!"
(set #myemail "Bitte geben Sie Ihre email Adresse ein:")
(set #endomai "Bitte geben Sie den Domain Ihres Providers ein:")
(set #helpdom "Der Domain Ihres Providers ist meistens die Homepage ohne 'http://www.'! Hat Ihr Provider die Homepage http://www.meinprovider.de ist der Domain höchstwahrscheinlich meinprovider.de!")
(set #fndold "NewInstaller wurde schon auf Ihrem System installiert. Was wollen Sie jetzt machen?")
(set #newcon "neu konfigurieren")
(set #nothing "verlassen")
(set #insupd "Update installieren")
(set #fincon "\nNewInstaller wurde erfolgreich konfiguriert!")
(set #copyurl "\nInstalliere openurl.library...")
(set #urlpref "Wohin soll das Voreinstellerprogramm für die OpenUrl.library kopiert werden?")
(set #urlcon "\nWollen Sie die OpenUrl.library jetzt konfigurieren (empfohlen) ?")
(set #msgide "\nSie können das komplette Identify Paket aus dem Aminet bekommen oder von der Homepage des Autors Richard Körber!")
(set #copypop "\nInstalliere Popport.mcc...")
(set #defdrws (cat "\nAls nächstes können Sie für verschiedene Arten von Software, verschiedene "
"Verzeichnisse auf Ihrer Festplatte auswählen. Zum Beispiel für Spiele: "
"dh2:Games/. Sie können für insgesamt 15 Arten von Software Verzeichnisse "
"festlegen. Sollten Sie für eine bestimmte Art von Software kein eigenes "
"Verzeichnis auf Ihrer Festplatte haben, z.B. für Entwicklungssoftware, "
"dann wählen Sie doch einfach SYS: aus."
(set #dedrw_a "Bitte suchen Sie das Verzeichnis aus, indem Ihre")
(set #dedrw_b "installiert ist/sind!")
(set #defabiz "Geschäftssoftware")
(set #defcomm "Kommunikationssoftware")
(set #defdemo "Demos")
(set #defadev "Entwicklungssoftware")
(set #defdisk "Harddisk Tools")
(set #defdocs "Dokumente")
(set #defgame "Spiele")
(set #defagfx "Grafiksoftware")
(set #defhard "Hardware Patches")
(set #defmisc "diverse Software")
(set #defmods "Musikmodule")
(set #defamus "Musiksoftware")
(set #defapix "Bilder")
(set #deftext "Textsoftware")
(set #defutil "Utilities")
(if (= lcale 7) (
(set #welcome "\nÜdvözlöm a\n\nNewInstaller\n\n telepítõjében! (C) Szerzõi jogok: Andreas Falkenhahn\n")
(set #copydoc "A NewInstaller dokumentáció másolása...")
(set #copyni "A NewInstaller program másolása...")
(set #copymsg "Kérem várjon...\n\nTelepítem a NewInstaller-t")
(set #fnshmsg "\nA telepítés sikeresen befejezõdött!\n\nA NewInstaller-t CLI:-bõl a NewInstaller paranccsal indíthatja!\n\nNézze meg a dokumentációt is!")
(set #language "magyar")
(set #copyreq "\nInstalling reqtools.library...")
(set #copygui "\nInstalling guigfx.library...")
(set #copyren "\nInstalling render.library...")
(set #chocpu "\nPlease select your processor")
(set #reqmc "\nGuigfx.library and render.library require at least a 68020 CPU!\nThese libraries won`t be installed on your syste - there some functions of NewInstaller are restricted!")
(set #bgfnd "Do you want to retain your old background configuration or define them new?")
(set #useold "retain")
(set #defnew "define new")
(set #conbg (cat "\nAs the next step the configuration program for the backgrounds will be started! "
"You need to select three backgrounds, which NewInstaller will optionally use as "
"default. You cannot quit the program until you`ve selected the three backgrounds!"
(set #sndfnd "Do you want to retain your old sound configuration or define them new?")
(set #consnd (cat "\nAs the next step the configuration program for the sounds will be started! "
"You need to select three sounds, which NewInstaller will optionally use as "
"default. You cannot quit the program until you`ve selected the three sounds! "
"\n\nPlease note that the maximum size of a sound is 128kb!"
(set #selins "Please select the drawer where the Commodore Installer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #sellha "Please select the drawer where the LHA packer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #sellzx "Please select the drawer where the LZX packer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #cfind "The packer couldn`t be found in that drawer. Do you want to select a new drawer or do you want to renounce NewInstallers packersupport?")
(set #cofind "\nThe Commodore Installer couldn`t be found in that drawer. Please select the right drawer! Without the Commodore Installer NewInstaller cannot work!")
(set #new "select new drawer")
(set #dont "don`t installer packer support")
(set #inet "\nIs your Amiga connected to Internet? If this is the case, you can use the new Internet features of NewInstaller!")
(set #wprog "Which TCP/IP Stack do you use to connect to Internet?")
(set #other "other program")
(set #otherin "\nNewInstaller does not support your TCP/IP Stack yet. That means you cannot use the Auto-Online feature. But if your stack does support bsdsocket.library you can use all other Internet functions of NewInstaller!")
(set #enname "Please enter your name:")
(set #enmail "Please enter the mailserver (SMTP) of your Internet Service Provider:")
(set #helpme (cat "The mailserver is mostly in a form like mail.myprovider.com. If your provider is for example "
"online.no then the mailserver would most probably mail.online.no. If you`re not sure have a "
"look at the configuration of your email software!"
(set #myemail "Please enter your email address:")
(set #endomai "Please enter the domain of your Internet Service Provider:")
(set #helpdom "The domain of your provider is mostly the homepage without 'http://www.'. For example: If the homepage of your provider is http://www.dialup.no then the domain would most probably be dialup.no!")
(set #fndold "NewInstaller is already installed on your system. What do you want to do now?")
(set #newcon "configurate it new")
(set #nothing "exit")
(set #insupd "install update")
(set #fincon "\nNewInstaller was configured successfully!")
(set #copyurl "\nInstalling openurl.library...")
(set #urlpref "Where shall the preferences for OpenUrl.library be copied to?")
(set #urlcon "\nDo you want to configure OpenUrl.library now (advised) ?")
(set #copyide "\nInstalling identify.library...")
(set #msgide "\nYou can get the full identify package from Aminet or from the homepage of the author Richard Körber!")
(set #copypop "\nInstalling Popport.mcc...")
(set #defdrws (cat "\nAs next you can select different drawers for different kinds of software "
"For example for games: dh2:Games/. You can totally select 15 different kinds "
"of software drawers. If you do not have a drawer for some kind of software, "
"e.g. for developing tools, just select SYS: or something similar."
(set #dedrw_a "Please select the drawer where your")
(set #dedrw_b "is/are installed!")
(set #defabiz "Business software")
(set #defcomm "Communications")
(set #defdemo "Graphics & Sound demos")
(set #defadev "Development software")
(set #defdisk "Disk & HD Tools")
(set #defdocs "Documents")
(set #defgame "Games")
(set #defagfx "Graphics software")
(set #defhard "Hardware Patches")
(set #defmisc "Miscellaneous")
(set #defmods "Music modules")
(set #defamus "Music software")
(set #defapix "Pictures")
(set #deftext "Text software")
(set #defutil "Utilities")
(if (= lcale 12) (
(set #welcome "\nÃíàïí îíåaêíáañû á Çìðñaêêþñíï\n\nNewInstaller\n\nAáñíï: (ð) Aìãïäað Óaêéäìôaôì\n")
(set #copydoc "Éíîçïòäñðþ ãíéòëäìñaõçþ é îïíâïaëëä NewInstaller...")
(set #fnshmsg "\nÇìðñaêêþõçþ áúîíêìäìa!\n\nÃêþ æaîòðéa NewInstaller ìaàäïçñä á CLI: NewInstaller!\n\nÎíãïíàìíðñç ðëíñïçñä á ãíéòëäìñaõçç!")
(set #language "russian")
(set #copyreq "\nInstalling reqtools.library...")
(set #copygui "\nInstalling guigfx.library...")
(set #copyren "\nInstalling render.library...")
(set #chocpu "\nPlease select your processor")
(set #reqmc "\nGuigfx.library and render.library require at least a 68020 CPU!\nThese libraries won`t be installed on your syste - there some functions of NewInstaller are restricted!")
(set #bgfnd "Do you want to retain your old background configuration or define them new?")
(set #useold "retain")
(set #defnew "define new")
(set #conbg (cat "\nAs the next step the configuration program for the backgrounds will be started! "
"You need to select three backgrounds, which NewInstaller will optionally use as "
"default. You cannot quit the program until you`ve selected the three backgrounds!"
(set #sndfnd "Do you want to retain your old sound configuration or define them new?")
(set #consnd (cat "\nAs the next step the configuration program for the sounds will be started! "
"You need to select three sounds, which NewInstaller will optionally use as "
"default. You cannot quit the program until you`ve selected the three sounds! "
"\n\nPlease note that the maximum size of a sound is 128kb!"
(set #selins "Please select the drawer where the Commodore Installer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #sellha "Please select the drawer where the LHA packer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #sellzx "Please select the drawer where the LZX packer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #cfind "The packer couldn`t be found in that drawer. Do you want to select a new drawer or do you want to renounce NewInstallers packersupport?")
(set #cofind "\nThe Commodore Installer couldn`t be found in that drawer. Please select the right drawer! Without the Commodore Installer NewInstaller cannot work!")
(set #new "select new drawer")
(set #dont "don`t installer packer support")
(set #inet "\nIs your Amiga connected to Internet? If this is the case, you can use the new Internet features of NewInstaller!")
(set #wprog "Which TCP/IP Stack do you use to connect to Internet?")
(set #other "other program")
(set #otherin "\nNewInstaller does not support your TCP/IP Stack yet. That means you cannot use the Auto-Online feature. But if your stack does support bsdsocket.library you can use all other Internet functions of NewInstaller!")
(set #enname "Please enter your name:")
(set #enmail "Please enter the mailserver (SMTP) of your Internet Service Provider:")
(set #helpme (cat "The mailserver is mostly in a form like mail.myprovider.com. If your provider is for example "
"online.no then the mailserver would most probably mail.online.no. If you`re not sure have a "
"look at the configuration of your email software!"
(set #myemail "Please enter your email address:")
(set #endomai "Please enter the domain of your Internet Service Provider:")
(set #helpdom "The domain of your provider is mostly the homepage without 'http://www.'. For example: If the homepage of your provider is http://www.dialup.no then the domain would most probably be dialup.no!")
(set #fndold "NewInstaller is already installed on your system. What do you want to do now?")
(set #newcon "configurate it new")
(set #nothing "exit")
(set #insupd "install update")
(set #fincon "\nNewInstaller was configured successfully!")
(set #copyurl "\nInstalling openurl.library...")
(set #urlpref "Where shall the preferences for OpenUrl.library be copied to?")
(set #urlcon "\nDo you want to configure OpenUrl.library now (advised) ?")
(set #copyide "\nInstalling identify.library...")
(set #msgide "\nYou can get the full identify package from Aminet or from the homepage of the author Richard Körber!")
(set #copypop "\nInstalling Popport.mcc...")
(set #defdrws (cat "\nAs next you can select different drawers for different kinds of software "
"For example for games: dh2:Games/. You can totally select 15 different kinds "
"of software drawers. If you do not have a drawer for some kind of software, "
"e.g. for developing tools, just select SYS: or something similar."
(set #dedrw_a "Please select the drawer where your")
(set #dedrw_b "is/are installed!")
(set #defabiz "Business software")
(set #defcomm "Communications")
(set #defdemo "Graphics & Sound demos")
(set #defadev "Development software")
(set #defdisk "Disk & HD Tools")
(set #defdocs "Documents")
(set #defgame "Games")
(set #defagfx "Graphics software")
(set #defhard "Hardware Patches")
(set #defmisc "Miscellaneous")
(set #defmods "Music modules")
(set #defamus "Music software")
(set #defapix "Pictures")
(set #deftext "Text software")
(set #defutil "Utilities")
(if (= lcale 16) (
(set #welcome "\nÄîáðî ïîæaëîâaòü â ïðîãðaììó óñòaíîâêè\n\nNewInstaller\n\n(C) Copyright îò Andreas Falkenhahn\n")
(set #reqmc "\nGuigfx.library and render.library require at least a 68020 CPU!\nThese libraries won`t be installed on your syste - there some functions of NewInstaller are restricted!")
(set #bgfnd "Do you want to retain your old background configuration or define them new?")
(set #useold "retain")
(set #defnew "define new")
(set #conbg (cat "\nAs the next step the configuration program for the backgrounds will be started! "
"You need to select three backgrounds, which NewInstaller will optionally use as "
"default. You cannot quit the program until you`ve selected the three backgrounds!"
(set #sndfnd "Do you want to retain your old sound configuration or define them new?")
(set #consnd (cat "\nAs the next step the configuration program for the sounds will be started! "
"You need to select three sounds, which NewInstaller will optionally use as "
"default. You cannot quit the program until you`ve selected the three sounds! "
"\n\nPlease note that the maximum size of a sound is 128kb!"
(set #selins "Please select the drawer where the Commodore Installer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #sellha "Please select the drawer where the LHA packer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #sellzx "Please select the drawer where the LZX packer is stored in. Normally this is C:")
(set #cfind "The packer couldn`t be found in that drawer. Do you want to select a new drawer or do you want to renounce NewInstallers packersupport?")
(set #cofind "\nThe Commodore Installer couldn`t be found in that drawer. Please select the right drawer! Without the Commodore Installer NewInstaller cannot work!")
(set #new "select new drawer")
(set #dont "don`t installer packer support")
(set #inet "\nIs your Amiga connected to Internet? If this is the case, you can use the new Internet features of NewInstaller!")
(set #wprog "Which TCP/IP Stack do you use to connect to Internet?")
(set #other "other program")
(set #otherin "\nNewInstaller does not support your TCP/IP Stack yet. That means you cannot use the Auto-Online feature. But if your stack does support bsdsocket.library you can use all other Internet functions of NewInstaller!")
(set #enname "Please enter your name:")
(set #enmail "Please enter the mailserver (SMTP) of your Internet Service Provider:")
(set #helpme (cat "The mailserver is mostly in a form like mail.myprovider.com. If your provider is for example "
"online.no then the mailserver would most probably mail.online.no. If you`re not sure have a "
"look at the configuration of your email software!"
(set #myemail "Please enter your email address:")
(set #endomai "Please enter the domain of your Internet Service Provider:")
(set #helpdom "The domain of your provider is mostly the homepage without 'http://www.'. For example: If the homepage of your provider is http://www.dialup.no then the domain would most probably be dialup.no!")
(set #fndold "NewInstaller is already installed on your system. What do you want to do now?")
(set #newcon "configurate it new")
(set #nothing "exit")
(set #insupd "install update")
(set #fincon "\nNewInstaller was configured successfully!")
(set #copyurl "\nInstalling openurl.library...")
(set #urlpref "Where shall the preferences for OpenUrl.library be copied to?")
(set #urlcon "\nDo you want to configure OpenUrl.library now (advised) ?")
(set #copyide "\nInstalling identify.library...")
(set #msgide "\nYou can get the full identify package from Aminet or from the homepage of the author Richard Körber!")
(set #copypop "\nInstalling Popport.mcc...")
(set #defdrws (cat "\nAs next you can select different drawers for different kinds of software "
"For example for games: dh2:Games/. You can totally select 15 different kinds "
"of software drawers. If you do not have a drawer for some kind of software, "
"e.g. for developing tools, just select SYS: or something similar."
(set #dedrw_a "Please select the drawer where your")
(set #dedrw_b "is/are installed!")
(set #defabiz "Business software")
(set #defcomm "Communications")
(set #defdemo "Graphics & Sound demos")
(set #defadev "Development software")
(set #defdisk "Disk & HD Tools")
(set #defdocs "Documents")
(set #defgame "Games")
(set #defagfx "Graphics software")
(set #defhard "Hardware Patches")
(set #defmisc "Miscellaneous")
(set #defmods "Music modules")
(set #defamus "Music software")
(set #defapix "Pictures")
(set #deftext "Text software")
(set #defutil "Utilities")
; Define some procedures
(procedure selectdefdir
(set defdir
(prompt (cat #dedrw_a " " deftyp " " #dedrw_b))
(help @askdir-help)
(default "Sys:")
(procedure askinstaller
(while (= 0 (exists (cat commo "Installer"))) (
(set commo
(prompt #selins)
(help @askfile-help)
(default "C:")
(if (= 0 (exists (cat commo "Installer"))) (
(message #cofind)
(procedure asklzx
(while (= 0 nlzx) ( ;(exists (cat lzx "lzx"))) (
(set lzx
(prompt #sellzx)
(help @askfile-help)
(default "C:")
(set nlzx 1)
(if (= 0 (exists (cat lzx "lzx"))) (
(set nlzx 0)
(set lchoice
(choices #new #dont)
(prompt #cfind)
(help @askchoice-help)
(if (= lchoice 1) (
(set nlzx 1)
(set lzx "none")
(procedure asklha
(while (= 0 nlha) (
(set lha
(prompt #sellha)
(help @askfile-help)
(default "C:")
(set nlha 1)
(if (= 0 (exists (cat lha "lha"))) (
(set nlha 0)
(set lhchoice
(choices #new #dont)
(prompt #cfind)
(help @askchoice-help)
(if (= lhchoice 1) (
(set nlha 1)
(set lha "none")
(procedure configni
(message #defdrws)
(set deftyp #defabiz)
(set biz defdir)
(set deftyp #defcomm)
(set comm defdir)
(set deftyp #defdemo)
(set demo defdir)
(set deftyp #defadev)
(set dev defdir)
(set deftyp #defdisk)
(set disky defdir) ; wow, Commo`s Installer cannot use 'disk' as a local variable
(set deftyp #defdocs)
(set docs defdir)
(set deftyp #defgame)
(set game defdir)
(set deftyp #defagfx)
(set gfx defdir)
(set deftyp #defhard)
(set hard defdir)
(set deftyp #defmisc)
(set misc defdir)
(set deftyp #defmods)
(set mods defdir)
(set deftyp #defamus)
(set mus defdir)
(set deftyp #defapix)
(set pix defdir)
(set deftyp #deftext)
(set text defdir)
(set deftyp #defutil)
(set util defdir)
(set ainet
(prompt #inet)
(help @askbool-help)
(if (= ainet 0) (
(set tcpip "none")
(set username "none")
(set mailserver "none")
(set domain "none")
(set email "none")
(if (= ainet 1) (
(set tcpip
(choices "AmiTCP (Genesis)" "Miami" #other)
(prompt #wprog)
(help @askchoice-help)
(if (= tcpip 0) (
(set tcpip "AmiTCP")
(if (= tcpip 1) (
(set tcpip "Miami")
(if (= tcpip 2) ( ; I know that`s a dirty way....sorry!